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How to handle cookies in Express JS?

Last updated on November 21, 2022

Cookies are very useful to store a small piece of web application data and cookies are stored on the user’s computer by the user’s web browser while the user is browsing. Express uses the same methods, Cookies, as most other web frameworks to track sessions. A cookie will have the session ID so that Express can look it up on each request.

Express came up with cookie-parser middleware to handle Cookies, by using this module you can easily manage your express application Cookies.

handle cookies express js

Let’s install cookie-parser middleware through npm, issue the below-mentioned command from your terminal, and project the root folder where your package.json file resides.

npm install cookie-parser --save

let’s use this middleware along with all the other middleware. Remember that the middleware is processed in order, so add it before other middleware so other middleware can use it.

const express = require('express');
const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');

const app = express();
// add cookieParser to middleware stack

// for signing the cookies.
//app.use(express.cookieParser('my secret here'));

The Cookie parser gives us access to req.cookies an object keyed by the Cookie names. Optionally you may enable signed cookie support by passing a secret string, which assigns req.secret so it may be used by other middleware. you can access signed Cookies with req.signedCookies.

How to set Cookie

The res.cookie() function is used for setting Cookie

app.get('/cookie',function(req, res){
    res.cookie(cookie_name , 'cookie_value');
    return res.send('cookie has been set!');

You can also set additional options for Cookies by passing an object as 3rd argument to the above function. let’s set the maximum age of a Cookie.

app.get('/cookie',function(req, res){
    let minute = 60 * 1000;
    res.cookie(cookie_name, 'cookie_value', { maxAge: minute }); 
    return res.send('cookie has been set!');

You can tell Express to set your Cookie only over HttpOnly.This flag will tell browsers to not allow client-side script access to the Cookie.

res.cookie(cookie_name , 'cookie_value', { HttpOnly: true});

You can tell express to use HTTPS encrypted channel to exchange cookie data with secure flag.

 res.cookie(cookie_name , 'cookie_value', { secure: true});

You can all so set the cookie to expire time in milliseconds.

 res.cookie(cookie_name , 'cookie_value', {expire : 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 }); // 24 hours

Reading Cookies?

You can access your Cookies via request object, req.cookies.cookie_name or req.cookies, the second one returns all the app cookies whereas the first one return only the specific cookie. If the request contains no Cookies, it defaults to {}.

Deleting cookie?

You can also easily delete Cookies by using the response object’s clear cookie function, which accepts the name of the Cookie which you want to delete. You can also delete your Cookies from the browser developer’s tools.

app.get('/clearcookie', function(req,res){
     res.send('Cookie deleted');
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