For Creating cookies in Laravel we use Cookie::make()
method and for reading cookie we use Cookie::get()
method. Basically the Cookie::get() method is a wrapper over Request::cookie().
All cookies created by the Laravel framework are encrypted and signed with an authentication code, meaning they will be considered invalid if they have been changed by the client.
Creating a new Cookie
$cookie = Cookie::make($name, $value, $minutes, $path, $domain,$secure, $httpOnly);
Creating A Cookie That Lasts Forever
$cookie = Cookie::forever('name', 'value');
To create a cookie that won’t expire for 60 minutes
$cookie = Cookie::make('name', 'value',60);
To create a cookie that will expire on browser close
$cookie = Cookie::make('name', 'value');
Retrieving Cookie
cookie::get() method will return null if cookie not present with the given name and you can pass a default value as a second parameter.
$val = Cookie::get('cookieName'); $name = Cookie::get('cookieName', 'defaultValue');
Delete Cookie
For deleting cookies we use Cookie::forget() method as shown below,remember you have to always return the cookie with the response.
$cookie = Cookie::forget('cookieName'); return Response::make('test')->withCookie($cookie);
That’s all about laravel cookies . Thank you!