Last updated on July 7, 2017
Facebook SDK : Download
After Downloading FB SDK, place all files in relevant areas in your Codeigniter application based on the folder names.
All you need to do is enter application id and secret id in config file called facebook.php located at application/config/facebook.php.
load->library('facebook'); // load facebook library $this->load->helper(array('url','html')); // load url and html hlpers $this->facebookPageID = 'Search.Andhra'; // set page id } public function index() { $albums = $this->facebook->api($this->facebookPageID.'?fields=albums'); // api call to facebook to fech all albums of the given page // list all albums foreach($albums['albums']['data'] as $album) { echo anchor('welcome/view_album/'.$album['id'],img(array('src' => $this->get_album_cover($album['cover_photo']),'alt' => $album['name']))); echo $album['name']; echo br(); } } // view single album pics public function view_album($album_id=false) { if(!$album_id) show_404(); $photos = $this->facebook->api($album_id.'?fields=photos'); foreach($photos['photos']['data'] as $photo) { echo img(array('src' => $photo['source'])); } } // get album cover pic public function get_album_cover($cover_id) { $cover_pic = $this->facebook->api($cover_id); return $cover_pic['source']; } } /* End of file welcome.php */ /* Location: ./application/controllers/welcome.php */