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How to Define Fallback Routes in Laravel?

Last updated on July 10, 2023

In Laravel, fallback routes are used to handle requests that do not match any of the defined routes in your application. They act as a “catch-all” route, allowing you to specify a default action for unrecognized routes. To define fallback routes in Laravel, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the routes/web.php file in your Laravel project. This is where you define your application routes.
  2. At the end of the file, add the following code:
Route::fallback(function () {
    // Your fallback logic here
  1. Inside the anonymous function, you can define the behavior you want for the fallback route. For example, you can return a custom error page, redirect the user to a specific route, or handle the request in a particular way.

Here’s an example of a fallback route that returns a custom 404 error page:

Route::fallback(function () {
    return response()->view('errors.404', [], 404);

In this case, the view method is used to render the errors.404 view, passing an empty array as the data and setting the HTTP response code to 404.

Alternatively, you can redirect the user to a specific route by using the redirect method:

Route::fallback(function () {
    return redirect('/fallback');

This code redirects the user to the /fallback route when a fallback route is encountered.

Remember to define your fallback route at the end of your route file, as Laravel matches routes from top to bottom. By placing it at the end, you ensure that it only handles requests that haven’t matched any other routes.

That’s it! With these steps, you can define fallback routes in Laravel to handle requests that don’t match any specific route in your application.

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