Last updated on January 17, 2018
I often Use Image Data URIs for large-scale applications depending on client requirement(not supported in IE7 and below).
Data URI: The data URI scheme is a URI scheme that provides a way to include data in-line in web pages as if they were external resources. This technique allows normally separate elements such as images and style sheets to be fetched in a single HTTP request rather than multiple HTTP requests, which can be more efficient.
Advantages of DATA URIs:
1.We can reduce the number of request to the network
2.we can Hide the file structure
NOTE: IE7 and Below versions didn’t support data URIs.
Here is the Code :
// Set image path $image = 'cricci.jpg'; // Convert Image Path to base64 encoding $imageData = base64_encode(file_get_contents($image)); // Format the image SRC: data:{mime};base64,{data}; $src = 'data: '.mime_content_type($image).';base64,'.$imageData; // Echo out image echo '';
mime_content_type is depreciated, we can get the same output with FileInfo. let me show you
echo ''; function getDataURI($image,$mime='') { $finfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); $mime = $finfo->buffer(file_get_contents($image)); return 'data:'.$mime.';base64,'.base64_encode(file_get_contents($image)); }