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Powershell: Installing MSI file

In this post, you will learn how you can install MSI files using PowerShell. You can use the Start-Process cmdlet to install the MSI file with PowerShell.

Open your PowerShell and run the below command with your MSI file. You will get a popup window with all the available options to pass.

Start-process .\strawberry-perl-  /?

It will show a popup box similar to below image,

Most of the time you don’t have to use all of them, read the available options so that you can adjust arguments as per your need. mostly we use /quiet /norestart options.

/quiet – Install silently, no user interactions.
/norestart – Do not restart after the installation is complete

Start-Process msiexec.exe -Wait -ArgumentList '/I D:\strawberry-perl- /quiet /norestart'

Start-Process -Wait will wait until the process finishes before it continues to the next execution. Start-Process -ArgumentList will take command-line arguments for the given executable.

As you studied above you can install MSI files silently using PowerShell.

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